A book presentation of Futures Brought to Life at the MOD. galleries in Adelaide.
The book Futures Brought to Life emerged from an arts-based research project developed by Time’s Up together with the Design Investigations class led by Anab Jain at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. The project Curiouser and Curiouser Cried Alice investigated ways in which the arts can be used to provoke and support curiosity about possible and preferable futures. This project developed a number of physical narrative experiential futures and led many explorative futuring exercises, using arts thinking to enable groups to speculate strange and unusual futures in order to open their imaginations for future possibilities. In March the new research project How Dare You, investigating techniques for maintaining hope in times of crisis, will start.
The galleries will be open from 5 pm where you can view the new MOD. exhibition FOREVER to experience time in new ways. Traverse past, present and future by navigating the blurred lines between these states of being. Short speeches and activities will commence at 5:45 pm.
Make connections with the futures and foresight community in South Australia and contribute to strengthening the capability and impact of the field in pursuit of more equitable, prosperous and sustainable futures. The Foresight Community of Practice is jointly hosted by Professor Ariella Helfgott, Program Director Foresight and Decision-Making, One Basin CRC, University of Adelaide; Director Foresight and Strategic Learning, World Energy Council; Director, SA Futures Agency and Dr Kristin Alford, Director of MOD. and Co-Executive Director of The Ubuntu Lab.
Entry is free with drinks and nibbles provided.
If you have any questions please contact Brooke Ferguson, Futures Officer at MOD. brooke.ferguson@unisa.edu.au