1997-2022 Postcards & Flyers
Go directly to our Flickr - Account to see the postcards and flyers in a better resolution.
We try to keep all words and paragraphs, graphical designs, moving images, acoustic relicts, we release to be collected here.
Go directly to our Flickr - Account to see the postcards and flyers in a better resolution.
In line with the statement "While the future may not be predictable, it is certainly imaginable," Futures Brought to Life, which got published in July 2023, assumes that the immediate expe
A symposium assembled by Time’s Up investigating the ways experiences of a possible future enable engagement with futures in general and thus provide a sense of agency.
"Change was Our Only Chance", our current experiential future, in cooperation with
Wir freuen uns sehr, die Veröffentlichung des Buches Lückenhaft & Kryptisch für März 2018 anzukündigen.
Mind The Map has been exhibited at Le lieu unique in Nantes, FR in September and October 2015. Elisa Unger has been with Time's Up to document.
Ein Artikel, geschrieben für den ARS Electronica Katalog hier (anders layoutiert)
Elisa Unger has been with us to document the set up of MInd The Map in Nantes, France, at Le Lieu Unique
This book arose as an attempt to collect and collate various ideas and problems around notation that many of us have been dealing with on several levels.
This volume is intended to summarise the experiences of the project-partners FoAM (BE), Blast Theory (UK), Lighthouse (UK) and Time's Up (AT) in the wide range of activities that took place during
Über einen bestimmten Zeitrahmen hinweg fragte die KUPF einzelne Personen, wie diese über Linz09 - Kulturhauptstadt 2009 denken.
A collection of reflections and musings, analyses and recipes from the various participants in the projects that were part of the TRG project series.
Diese Polemik ist in der Nullnummer des Linzer Magazins "heller - beiträge gegen monokulturelle alltagserscheinungen" im September 2005 erschienen.
1 Team Doyobi + Safety Scissors - Untitled 2:00
2 Errorsmith + Opopop - Untitled 2:00
A collection of reports, theoretical discourses and documentation of a series of laboratory projects carried out by Time's Up with the close collaboration of radioqualia and and assortment of proto
A different perspective of the industrial harbour in Linz - a point of view from the Time's Up Labs, which includes colouring by numbers as an example
Theory of Hypercompetition Hypercompetition, the Red Queen race of evolutionary biology, where speed cannot be sacrificed for even a moment lest the opponent pull ahead, relativity in its most elem