When almost every option is regarded as ridiculous, then one must either resort to wise-seeming inaction or undertake action in spite of the apparent impossibility of its meaning anything. In this essay, we want to orbit around the necessarily contingent and context dependent ideas of appropriate technology and cross-bioregional exchange using the ideas of clean and fair trade overlaid with permaculture principles.
We use this as a way to take some sun-shots of the big idea hanging nebulously above us. In particular we take the Indian Ocean as a zone of trade, offering an history of exchange that extends back several millennia, interwoven with a merging of contemporary developments in circular economies and permaculture principles. We speculate on ways these might inter-engage in the near future. Perhaps this navigational approach will help us know where we are, perhaps it will help guide us where to go next.
On Transindustriality - TETI Journal n.1/2024
November, 2024
Permacircular Trade Routes: On the Transindustrial Nature of Appropriate Technology, based upon Speculations of Indian Ocean Trade
This article is part of Curiouser and Curiouser, cried Alice: Rebuilding Janus from Cassandra and Pollyanna (CCA), an art-based research project from Design Investigations (ID2) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Time's Up. It is supported by the Programme for Arts-based Research (PEEK) from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): AR561.