words and paragraphs

tradeship sailing on the ocean

Permacircular Trade Routes

11 - 2024

When almost every option is regarded as ridiculous, then one must either resort to wise-seeming inaction or undertake action in spite of the apparent impossibility of its meaning anything.


06 - 2020
Seit Jahren beschäftigt sich Time’s Up mit der Vorausahnung und der Nachahmung dessen was in einer nahen Zukunft gewesen sein wird können.

PARN - Book

04 - 2013

This volume is intended to summarise the experiences of the project-partners FoAM (BE), Blast Theory (UK), Lighthouse (UK) and Time's Up (AT) in the wide range of activities that took place during

Data Ecologies 2009 - Booklet

09 - 2009
As well as the introduction of the invited speakers this booklet summarizes our approaches and ideas behind the symposium during which we try to find and discuss alternative models of money, exchange

Newsletter 1-03

04 - 2003
# introduction After a long, pleasant stay in Maribor, Slovenia, where the first versions of our new large-scale project Sensory Circus were presented, the various members of the Time's Up team have

Newsletter 1-02 Re/Pre-view

07 - 2002
# introduction Since the time span between this and the last newsletter is a bit long, we thought we would be as descriptive as possible within this release. Projects from the last months, like Tran
closing the loop

Closing the Loop 00 - Paper

02 - 2001

A collection of reports, theoretical discourses and documentation of a series of laboratory projects carried out by Time's Up with the close collaboration of radioqualia and and assortment of proto

Newsletter 3-98 - Bit Rot

06 - 1998
3-98 Bit-Rot # editorial "Survival in a hypercompetitive age" - ein anderes schlagwort aus der Time´s Up ecke und ein bewusstes einsteigen in einen ringkampf für den wir eigentlich nicht spielberech

Newsletter 1-98 - Obsolete

03 - 1998
1-98 OBSOLETE INTRODUCTION Everyone is putting fancy glossy 4C papers out now in order to make themselves feel, well, yes glossy and important.We know we can do that too if we have to, but in this c