Linz, AT

Simulations of physics, Physics as simulation.
A two day workshop investigating the interplay between the simulation of physics for the creation of artificial (data) ecologies, and the possibility that physics (and thus all ecosystems) is itself, a data process.
Theme1: Evolution in Simulated physics
An introduction into the various flavours of physical simulation, evolution in these systems and their use and misuse. A survey of available flavours followed by an intensive and hands on introduction to the use of the Framsticks systems for evolution in simulated physical environments. Speakers include Maciej Komosinski.
Theme2: Physics is a Simulation?
What if the world is actually, at its finest level, computational? This radical proposal, often termed the "Zuse hypothesis" after its earliest proposer, Konrad Zuse, has recently gained some serious scientific interest. A day of presentations in the history and implications of this hypothesis, followed up with the demonstration of a small physics experiment that adds some experimental grounding to the hypothesis. Speakers include Karl Svozil and Hartwig Thim.
More Details
Timings: Note that the order of the days has been reversed for organisational reasons.
28 March 2003 Physics is a Simulation?
11:00 Program start. See abstracts
15:00 Program end. The possibility exists to partake in the "Faelschung in die Wissenscahft" symposium held at the Johannes Kepler Universitaet in Linz.
29 March 2003 Evolution in Simulated physics
11:00 Program start. Introduction to evolving systems, Breve, Framsticks
13:00 lunch pause
14:00 onwards workshop with Framsticks. Design of experiments, spontaneous and directed evoluition, grafting into other systems, analysis.