TwixtVille is a temporary parallel city that deals with the situations of city dwellers, playfully manipulating the controls of existing city structure. With the restricted lifetime of five months, it is possible to escape the normative drives of success and propose alternative spatial and social structures.
Twixtville was supposed to be realised within Linz 2009 - European Capital of Cultures. Due to the fact of a missing site we had to stop the production. But as we already have learned in our own short history - things always can change; and what is called Vertwixtville right now, can easily become TwixtVille again.
Achatz Stefan, Alkin Stefan; Andersson Geska, Auer Alexander, Auer Tina, Baetge Emil, Bergsmann Andi, Binder Alex, Bocek Peter, Bogendorfer Anatol, Boykett Timothy, Brecevic Robert, Crosby Ali, Davies Alex, Decker Dieter, Diessl Joreg, Dietrich Jakob, Dollhofer Christine, Dorssenvan Miles, Drake Conrad, Elmecker Ewald, Fischer Markus, Fliri Maria, Füreder Stefan, Gaffney Nik, Gratzl Reinhard, Hackl Wiltrud, Haderer Christoph, Hagleitner Tobias, Hagler Jürgen, Christian Hammerschmid, Harrisson Kenneth, Honzig Martin, Huemer Philip, Huschka Michael, Justl Geri, Kaplers Morten Hartz, Karner Dagmar, Kessler Leopold, Koestler Arthur, Kofler Julia, Kraft Tina, Krispl David, Kurbak Ebru, Kuzmanovic Maja, Larse Emil Groth, Lattner Tanja, Lehner Jörg, Lischewsky Rene, MacMurtrie Chico, Maier Rothe Kai, Mayr Thomas, Mayrhofer Andreas, Meskirov Sascha, Missner Paul, Mohr Carsten, Mosbauer Klaus, Panholzer Markus, Paulischin Katharina, Petukhovs Aleksandrs, Pohn Elisabeth, Probst Robert, Raab Alexander, Red Worrms Farm, Reiter Uschi, Richter Peter, Schäfer Sebastian, Schaussberger Paul, Schmid Nikolaus, Schrögendorfer Marc, Schwarz Hans Joachim, Springer Jakoob, Stella Frank, Strasser Andrea, Strauss Andreas, Subotic Momo, Vatne Stig Eivind, Weibold Rüdiger, Weichselbaumer Doris, Weidlinger Hansjörg, Weidlinger Maria, Wilhelm Gunar, Wirthl David, Wohlmuther Luis, Wörnhörer Gerhard, Yekwa, Zauner Jürgen, Zauner Robert.