Call for EoI: Narrative Strategies 2012

Narrative Strategies will visit the island of Madiera in order to explore the possibilities for stories in space.
The main focus for this edition of Narrative Strategies are physical environments, the ways that physicality enhances and limits certain narrative strategies, techniques and methods. The symposium aims to bring together a group of interested theoreticians and practitioners to share their experiences and to indicate where they are working towards. We aim to leave this meeting with some ideas about what it is that people are looking for, what they are trying to make, what techniques they are intending to use in order to take their work forward. What are our, as a group's, future perspectives?
We invite expressions of interest from those who have experience in this area. From those in research as well as in the production of such narratives. From those who have an interest in sponsoring or supporting the growth of this field. From those producing and testing working prototypes of this kind.
If you wish to become involved, please send us a short text explaining why you are interested in this subject and how you would see yourself contributing to this area and event. Please attach a short biography, some links to texts, video or other background material.
Send to narrativestrategies (at)
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