The RIXC Center for New Media Culture in Riga holds a next edition of its annual Art and Science festival, including amongst other activities an exhibition and an international conference on renewable futures.
We are happy to take part in the SPLINTERED REALITIES Conference, which will be structured into a three-day program, with each “Splinter Session” focusing on a different area or field, identifying the key “splinters” and discussing how to make tentative steps towards reconstituting our realities, everyday lives, and communication with each other, now and into the future.
The programm on the second day will be focussing on „Naturecultures – how to live in the damaged world”. This is where we will be presenting our thoughts on „Co-creation of intertwined future scenarios, embodied and experienced.“
We will discuss the visions and signals, developments and speculations that make up the Turnton world, the processes of co-creating this massively multi-authored future storyworld, the Mut zur Lücke (courage of the gap) and the immersive experience of being in a possible future. Each Turnton fragment is an Experiential Future Physical Narrative. Each fragment is an intertwining of human, mechanical and natural systems. Turnton does not predict, but proposes. Turnton has no answers, but offers many questions. Turnton is about everyday life in a new world; the process is a social dreaming; the goal is curiosity, encouraging us all to hang around to find out how our story carries on and be part of that ongoing co-authoring and co-composition process process. Given that the future is nothing more or less than a giant speculative fiction that we are co-writing together; we would like to claim that we had better start sharing our first (and second) drafts so we can write a better story together. Future is a verb. And a skill. We need our exercise.