real virtuality
I am sure we once knew what we meant with this phrase.
BodySPIN - Newsletter
01 - 2002
Newsletter 1-01 forwards
04 - 2001
1-01 forward in all directions
>Forward in all directions< one of the first newsletters which hasn’t got a overall theme, as far as we can remember.
Newsletter 2-01 - Intranodality
09 - 2001
Anfanglich eigenständige Systeme, unabhängige Strukturen verschiedener Versuchsanordungen und Experimenten über die letzten Monate hinweg, rücken näher aneinander.
Newsletter 1-02 Re/Pre-view
07 - 2002
Since the time span between this and the last newsletter is a bit long, we thought we would be as descriptive as possible within this release.
Projects from the last months, like Tran
Newsletter 1-03
04 - 2003
After a long, pleasant stay in Maribor, Slovenia, where the first versions of our new large-scale project Sensory Circus were presented, the various members of the Time's Up team have
Musings on Games and Play - Paper
11 - 2006
Abstract: In the practice of building large scale interactive situations, we have followed various paths in order to achieve maximal effectiveness.