A networked hub of medial base lines
01 - 2018
Im Zuge des 20-jährigen Jubiläums von Time’s Up hatten wir die Ehre und das große Vergnügen mit Gerhard Dirmoser einen analysierenden Blick auf unser Tun und unser Wesen zu werfen.
Futurish first edition
12 - 2014
After Data Ecologies 2014, a group of participants and some others collected in a small villa near Attersee in order to try and summarise their thoughts on how to "Think out loud about Futures" into
Data Ecologies 2014 - Booklet
06 - 2014
Time's Up invites participants into experimental situations and storyworlds, to explore, to theorise, to work out their own explanations about relationships and coherences and to discuss them.